
Enrich Foam

Specifications : 120g

Suggested Retail Price : NT$1,300

Retention Period : 3 years

Product Description

Suitable for all types of skin/sensitive skin

Mild and gentle, natural ingredients, contains splitting enzymes, mild skin cleaner;

multiple plant extraction helps adjust skin conditions; skin feels clean and loose after washing.

How to use :

1. Wet your face with cleaning hands.

2. Use your fingertips to apply clranser, gently rub the cleanser throughout your face.

* Use your fingertips to wash oily areas, e.g. forehead and nose.

3. Completely rinse your face with cleaning and lukewarm water.

*Make sure your cleanser close to the hair areas has been completely rinsed off.

4. Take a clean towel then pat-day/blot your face until all the water has been dried off.


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